We create the largest community of people for a better present in the online world!
Join our community and we will become more and more, united we will always try to keep up with innovation, developing our work for people and territory. People, local activities, events, entertainment and many other things you will learn about through our portal. You’ll find what’s new in your city and we always bring you new ideas to indulge in, for any eisgency. We want to make a contribution to a fairer, simpler world and we invest in it, protecting the well-being of people and cities.
Collaboration and growth
We design and research the best solutions in the web world, to support you and bring you the latest innovations in your industry. We will join our network and we will become more and more, a united team that will always try to keep up with the biggies, but will always be with the territory and the citizens.
Leisure and fun, study and work, professionals and more, we will always strive to help you find what you are looking for with quality companies in your area
Food of all kinds, sports – professional – music equipment, arts and crafts and everything that can be found in any physical or online shop, but from companies and professionals in your area
We develop a new method of information. Your city’s blogs, healthy and entertaining information, all directly on popillo news, let’s change course!
We wanted to call it a contribution, each advertisement or company present at a cost of 1€ per month, with the possibility of cancelling whenever the person wishes, at the end of the paid month, without returning the contribution made.