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A small donation for a big project!

Support us to surf the Internet in total freedom and without compromise

Popillo. com is a community for the development of the well-being of citizens and their territory. The idea started in 2015 and evolved into a sustainable and uncompromising search engine by 2022. We have lived through the world of the internet, learnt their workings, problems and the constant advancement of technology without, however, having seen a constructive plan for the common welfare by experiencing the real
realities of cities.

Maialino salvadanaio

Accepted Methods


We built our own crowdfunding to support us. you can give us what you can. and we we reciprocate to always try to offer you the best with transparency and certainty


Bank transfer made out to Greenpeace Italia O.N.L.U.S.
codice Iban IT3600501803200000011251253. Bank
Popolare Etica Roma. In the reason for the transfer enter
RSWEB, your name, surname and postal address, so we can thank you.


On postal account 2842 6203 made out to
[T3770760101600000028426203 BIC BPPITRRXXX

How much we collected

Project 3%